{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sl240\slmult1\qc\b\f0\fs28\lang9 Reed Ranch School Parent Council Meeting Minutes\par Monday, April 25th, 2022\par 3:45pm\par \par \par \pard\sl240\slmult1\fs24 IN ATTENDANCE\par \par -\b0 Dean, Kyla, Merissa, Theresa\par \par \b CALL TO ORDER\par \par \b0 -Dean called the meeting to order @ 3:45pm\par -Motion to approve the agenda made by Theresa, seconded by Kyla\par \par \b PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES\par \par \b0 -Theresa read the previous meeting minutes\par \par \b BUSINESS ARISING\par \par -\b0 Fun Team will be starting May 5th. Letters will be going home with students. \par \par -Yearbook cover pictures made by the kids need to be in before the end of the month so Becky can get them submitted\par \par -Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes made by Merissa, seconded by Theresa\par \par \b OLD BUSINESS FOR DECISION AND ACTION\par \par -\b0 Picnic Tables. Falcon is having trouble sourcing out material for them, and for him to do it all himself price wise would be out of our budget.\par \par -Dean is going to set up a quick meeting the middle of next month, so we can get the process started and get them done over summer\par \par -Core donation. They are happy to donate a pizza lunch on the last day of school for all the classes. Christa will look up an approximate cost from some of our previous pizza days and let them know, so they have an idea of cost. Christa will also look into some companies that would be willing to make up the hoodies for the grade 5/6's\par \par \b TREASURERS REPORT\par \par \b0 -Dean read the Treasurers Report\par \par -Motion to approve the report made by Merissa, seconded by Kyla\par \par \b STAFF REPORT\par \par -\b0 Highway clean up is on May 7th, we need as many kids and parents to volunteer as possible. We may be able to have hot dogs in the gym afterwards. Kyla will look into it. Terry was able to book next year for camp Evergreen. \par \par -The year end field trip will be at the Calgary Zoo this year and will be on May 31st. Parent volunteers, will need a criminal record check and a family wellness check done. Kyla will see about getting a letter for those. There will most likely be no room on the bus for parents so they will have to drive themselves.\par \par -The staff have also asked if parent council can pay for the busing for swimming. It is usually around a $1000\par \par -Motion to approve the staff report made by Theresa, seconded by Merissa\par \par \b NEW BUSINESS\par \par -\b0 Dean will put a message out on facebook about highway clean up\par \par - The money from the Spring fundraiser will go towards the busing for swimming lessons and then parent council will make up the rest of the amount.\par \par -Motion to approve the fundraiser money for busing made by Theresa, seconded by Merissa, all in favour.\par \par \b CORRESPONENCE\par \par -\b0 None\par \par \b NEXT MEETING DATE AND ADJOURNMENT\par \par MONDAY, MAY 30TH, 2022\b0\par \b\fs28\par \pard\sl240\slmult1\qc\b0\par \par \pard\sl240\slmult1\fs22\par }