{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\b\f0\fs22\lang9 REED RANCH PARENT COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES\par MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH, 2023\par 3:45\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 IN ATTENDANCE\par \b0 Merissa, Kirsty, Erin, Lindsay H., Deserai, Theresa E., Christa, Krista, Debbie, Dj\par \b CALL TO ORDER\b0\par Merissa called the meeting to order at 3:45pm\par Motion to approve the agenda made by Krista, seconded by Christa\par \par \b PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES\b0\par Chantelle read the previous meeting minutes\par Motion to approve previous minutes made by Chantelle, seconded by Theresa E.\par \b OLD BUSINESS FOR DECISION AND ACTION\b0\par -\b Picnic Table Update \b0 - Erin has talked to Daryl from division about the picnic tables, we need to figure out/ show were we are wanting to pu the picnic tables. Division needs them to be permanent and put in cement. We discussed that they should be put in a square configuration. Erin is going to ask Daryl about who can install the picnic tables and about cost involved to us. Chinooks edge will issue a donation reciept for in kind donations.\par -\b Playground Update \b0 - Merissa showed what the playground proposal looked like. However BDI discovered the slides need to face north or east so they need to reconfigure where things go. They also need to reconfigure where the plaque goes so it faces the school not the field. They are looking to switch out a couple things. So far the donations we have:\par BDI donated $10,212.32 But are now going to Donate $24,396.10\par Mountain View County Donated $20,000\par Kiwanis Donated $5000\par Duquette's Donated $500\par Fall potluck Donated $730\par CFEP Will give up to $97,941.50\par We just need to raise $38,670 \par The inspection went good with the wooden playground. It is good till 2025/2026 and minor wear on the metal playground. We put a grant in to the Rotary but haven't heard from them yet. The county had said we can come ask for more money.\par \b REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES \b0 \par Debbie read the treasurer's report and the budgets.\par Motion to approve the reports made by Debbie, seconded by Krista\par -Auditors for the books Lindsay Hall and Merissa volunteered.\par \b STAFF REPORT\par \b0 -Erin says they are settling in to the new year. \par -The staff say thank you to parent council for covering the bussin for swimming! And asked if we could possibly cover the bussing this year that will be $1100\par -Grad will be June 13\par -Could Parent council also cover the bussing this year for the Kiwanis music fesival? It is in mid March and will cost $125 approximately\par -Merissa will re now the Parents Matter Liason\par -Terry Seidel will be honoured on Oct 19th for 30 years of service.\par -Chinnoks Edge is looking for feedback on their webpage.\par -Bus Lane- Erin will be looking into a couple options for the bus lane, possibly have a few more people on supervision. She will be talking to Daryl to see our options. \par Motion to approve staff report made by Christa, seconded by DJ. \par \b New Business\par Elections by Acclimation\par \b0 President- Merissa Penner\par Vice President- Krista McInnis\par Treasurer- Debbie VandenBroek\par Secretary- Chantelle Boffey \par We will be taking off signing authority: Dean Duquette, Theresa Abremenko\par Those approved for signing are: Merissa Penner, Krista Mcinnis, Debbie VandenBroek, Chantelle Boffey\par -There are no objections to our meeting dates so they will stay the last monday of the month after school in the staff room.\par -\b Fall Supper\b0 - Dj is still looking into dates. She is also looking into insurance. They are wanting to do a silent auction and donate the money to the playground.\par -\b Hot Lunches\b0 - Merissa and Chantelle have met and did up the schedule for hot lunches for the year. We have talked to Erin about establishing a program for healthy lunches for students.\par -We are looking into online ordering for hot lunches.\par -\b Booking Santa\b0 - Dj will contact Santa Joe for the Christmas concert and what the cost is. \par -\b Cookie Walk\b0 - The cookie walk is set for December 8th. It has been submitted to Old Fashioned Christmas Paper. The money will go towards bussing. The community has been very generous last year with donating cookies. Last year Krista donated the gloves and the containers.\par -\b Halloween Bags-\b0 We will be pooling the money that we would normally spend for halloween bags and using it to put toward the Christmas bags. \par -\b Hot Dogs-\b0 Lindsay Hall is looking into better options for Hot Dogs.\par \b -Basketball Court-\b0 Erin will see what our options are for resealing the court and how much it will cost. \par \b CORRESPONDENCE\par \b0 -None\par \b NEXT MEETING DATE AND ADJOURNMENT\par MONDAY OCTOBER 23RD, 2023\b0\par \par }